Former students


We like teaching and we enjoy supervising students interested in developing a career in Optics & Photonics. Here we give some details about our former students and their following trajectory.


SantiagoSantiago López presents his Final Degree Project for Telecommunications Degree on a system to generate phase-only holograms with new high resolution displays

On July 9th, 2018, Santiago López, student of the Grade of Telecommunications Engineering, defended his final degree project entitled Caracterización de moduladores de cristal líquido para la generación de hologramas de fase y su optimización.

In this work, Santiago developed a characterization of the phase properties of some new displays acquired at the TecnOPTO Lab, and developed new methods and designs to generate phase-only holograms with them.

The project, supervised by Ignacio Moreno, received the maximum qualification.


VenancioVenancio Calero presents his PhD Thesis at FEMTO-ST Institute

Our former student Venacio Calero, presented his PhD Thesis entitled Antenne à cristal photonique électro-optique pour la détection de fréquences électromagnétiques, supervised by María Pilar Bernal and Nadège Courjal at the FEMTO-ST Institute, in Besançon (France), in December 19th 2017.

Ignacio Moreno attended the defense and participated as a member of the jury.


IMG_7139Marcos Maestre presents his Final Degree Project on a system to control light pulses and measure slow and fast light

On July 7th, 2017 , Marcos Maestre, student of Telecommunications Engineering, defended his Final Degree Project entitled Control de Pulsos Ópticos en Fibra y Medida de Efectos de Luz Lenta y Luz Rápida en Interferómetros.

In this work, an instrumental system and its control software was developed in order characterize electro-optical modulators and birefringent interferometers. Using this setup slow and fast light (SFL) effects have been measured for optical pulses centered at 1550 nm.

The project, which was supervised by Julia Arias and María del Mar Sánchez-López, obtained the maximum qualification.


Tesis Jose CarrionJose Vicente Carrión finished his PhD Thesis at FEMTO-ST Institute

Our former student José Vicente Carrión succesfully defended his PhD Thesis about the development of micro-optical axicon elements. Ignacio Moreno attended as a member of the international jury.

The thesis was developed at the FEMTO-ST Institute at Université de Franche-Comté, in Besancon, France, under the supervision of our friends Christophe Gorecki and Nicolas Passilly.


Pedro y JordiPedro Martínez and Jordi Gomis successfully defend their Master degree thesis on the development of a digital spectrum generator

Our Master students Pedro Martínez and Jordi Gomis successfully defended their respective Master degree thesis on March 3rd 2016, to obtain the Master degree in Solar & Renewable Energy from UMH. They both developed their master thesis within TecnOpto Lab, supervised by Ignacio Moreno.

Their work consisted in the development of a spectral control system based on a super continuum laser source modulated by means of a liquid crystal spatial light modulator. They both received the maximum grade for their work.



Aida Sánchez Meroño presented her PhD Thesis entitled «Slow and fast light in multiple-beam interferometers, mono- and multi-layer systems»

On March 25th , 2015, Aida Sánchez Meroño presented her PhD Thesis. She received the maximum qualification, Excellent  Cum Laude. The thesis has been supervised by María del Mar Sánchez and Julia Arias.

The thesis included a theoretical study and experimental realization of different photonics systems to generate slow and fast light. Different related publications appeared in journals like Applied Physics Letters, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics y Physical Review A.


Darío Sarrió defends his Degree Thesis on the use of a compact spectrometerDarío Sarrió

On 2014 July 18th, Darío Sarrió defended his Degree Thesis in Telecommunications Engineering, entitled Application of a compact spectrometer to the calibration of light sources, optical filters and monitors.

Supervised by Ignacio Moreno, he developed a work where he studied the characteristics of a spectrometer VP2000 from Stellar Net, and used it to characterize different commercial light sources (incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps, LEDs, spectral tubes…). He also applied it characterizing different optical filters available in the lab. Finally, he compared the colour charactetristics of different types of computer monitors.


sábado, 14 de julio de 2018