Inicio > Conferences, Education, Outreach > Carlos Hernández at UMH for the International Day of Light – Sculpting laser pulses

Carlos Hernández at UMH for the International Day of Light – Sculpting laser pulses

Carlos HernandezIn May 16th 2019, we celebrated the International Day of Light. We had the visit of Dr. Carlos Hernández García, from the Research Group in Applications of Laser and Photonics Applications (ALF-USAL) of the University of Salamanca, a recognized expert in the generation of ultra-fast structured laser pulses

He imparted an excellent talk entitled Sculpting laser pulses, where he explained the Nobel Prize in Physics 2018, awarded to Arthur Ashkin, Gérard Mourou and Donna Strickland for their breakthroughs in laser physics. The talk can be viewed on line at the following link.

This conference was organized by the Local Section of Alicante of the Royal Spanish Physics Society (RSEF), in collaboration with the Department of Physics, the Institute of Bioengineering and the Polytechnical School of UMH, and was attended by over 80 students and faculty members.

We were also supported by SPIE, that provided Women in Optics agendas!

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jueves, 16 de mayo de 2019 Dejar un comentario Ir a comentarios
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