Inicio > Education, Projects, Research, Students > Santiago López presents his Final Degree Project for Telecommunications Degree on a system to generate phase-only holograms with new high resolution displays

Santiago López presents his Final Degree Project for Telecommunications Degree on a system to generate phase-only holograms with new high resolution displays

SantiagoOn July 9th, 2018, Santiago López, student of the Grade of Telecommunications Engineering, defended his final degree project entitled Caracterización de moduladores de cristal líquido para la generación de hologramas de fase y su optimización.

In this work, Santiago developed a characterization of the phase properties of some new displays acquired at the TecnOPTO Lab, and developed new methods and designs to generate phase-only holograms with them.

The project, supervised by Ignacio Moreno, received the maximum qualification

Categories: Education, Projects, Research, Students Tags:

martes, 10 de julio de 2018 Dejar un comentario Ir a comentarios
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