Inicio > Education, Outreach, Publications > Ignacio Moreno writes about polarization of light in the FECYT educational unit devoted to light science

Ignacio Moreno writes about polarization of light in the FECYT educational unit devoted to light science

portada_unidad_d_luzIgnacio Moreno wrote the chapter entitled «Polarization of Light» in the didactic unit entitled Ciencia con Luz Propia: Aplicaciones Tecnológicas de la Luz (Science with its own Light: Technological Applications of Light).

This book has been published by FECYT – Fundación Española de Ciencia y Tecnología (Spanish Foundation for Science & Technology) and SM editorial, and can be free downloaded at the following link.

The book has been coordinated by Prof. José Antonio García, from the Department of Optics of the University of Granada, and it includes 10 chapters intended to provide tools about optics and light science for students at secondary schools, and promote the students’ interest in science and technology.



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